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Hotel/Resort Virtual CPTED

Welcome to Hotel/Resort Virtual CPTED:

Transforming Hotel Safety and Guest Experience with Virtual CPTED and Advanced Technology:

In an age where technology is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, hotels and resorts are redefining their approach to guest safety, experience, and marketing. Virtual tours have already gained popularity as an effective marketing tool, providing prospective guests with an interactive glimpse into their future stay. But what if we told you this is just the tip of the iceberg?

Enter Virtual CPTED - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, taken to the digital realm. When combined with the most up-to-date virtual tour technology, LiDAR, drone mapping, A.I., and virtual floor plans, Virtual CPTED offers an unprecedented layer of security and functionality that caters not only to guest safety but also to operational excellence.

In an age where technology is an intrinsic part of our daily lives, hotels and resorts are redefining their approach to guest safety, experience, and marketing. Virtual tours have already gained popularity as an effective marketing tool, providing prospective guests with an interactive glimpse into their future stay. But what if we told you this is just the tip of the iceberg?

Enter Virtual CPTED - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, taken to the digital realm. When combined with the most up-to-date virtual tour technology, LiDAR, drone mapping, A.I., and virtual floor plans, Virtual CPTED offers an unprecedented layer of security and functionality that caters not only to guest safety but also to operational excellence.




















The Convergence of Virtual Tours and Virtual CPTED:

Virtual tours are an incredible asset for any hotel or resort. They offer a visually rich experience that goes beyond static images and textual descriptions, allowing potential customers to 'walk through' the property from the comfort of their homes. This has been a game-changer for marketing departments, effectively boosting booking rates and guest satisfaction scores.

Now imagine infusing this already robust virtual tour platform with Virtual CPTED. This methodological approach to security analyzes environmental designs and integrates preventative measures right into the digital blueprint of your property. The blend of these technologies creates an unparalleled framework for guest safety, operational maintenance, and emergency response planning.






















Enhanced Guest Safety and Security:

Real-time Monitoring: With A.I. algorithms, real-time monitoring can automatically detect anomalies in crowd behavior or unauthorized access, enabling quick and effective responses.

LiDAR & Drone Mapping:

These technologies create highly accurate 3D models of the environment. This aids in meticulous security planning, covering everything from camera placements to emergency evacuation routes.

Virtual Floor Plans:


Easy-to-access, detailed layouts can be shared instantly with emergency services if the need arises, allowing for more efficient crisis management.




















Maintenance and Pool Safety Program:

Predictive Analytics: Using A.I., Virtual CPTED can predict potential areas of maintenance concern before they become a problem, allowing for preemptive action. Using environmental design data, areas around pools can be redesigned or adjusted to minimize risks of slips, falls, or other accidents.

Seamless Integration Across Chain of Companies:

Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects is the scalability of Virtual CPTED. All this invaluable data and analytics can be seamlessly shared across different locations in a hotel/resort chain. This ensures uniformity in safety standards and offers a consistently excellent experience for guests, regardless of which property they visit.


The integration of Virtual CPTED into an existing or upcoming virtual tour platform offers far-reaching benefits that revolutionize the way hotels and resorts approach guest safety, maintenance, and marketing. In an industry where guest experience and safety are paramount, this synergistic application of technology sets pioneering establishments far ahead of the curve.

Isn't it time your property considers integrating Virtual CPTED? Elevate your guest experience while fortifying your security measures, because when it comes to hospitality, compromise should never be an option.

Try out our Hotel Lobby Scan. You can make a complete walkthrough of the entire hotel and it's facilities, plus:

  • Add hotspots and labels.

  • Add CCTV and Fire Alarm locations etc.

  • Add Evacuation Routes.

  • And so much more.

Move the Pool Safety around with your mouse and click on the pulsing arrow to move to the next area.

  • Great for highlighting safety signs etc.

  • Scan below with your smartphone or tablet.

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